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Runtime needs to be included into your core project.

dependencies {
    //HyperLap2D Runtime
    api "games.rednblack.hyperlap2d:runtime-libgdx:$h2dVersion"

    api "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion"
    api "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion"
    api "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-freetype:$gdxVersion"
    api "net.onedaybeard.artemis:artemis-odb:$artemisVersion"

Use compatibility table to choose right version for each dependence.

Box2D and FreeType extensions needs additionals configuration for platform specific module


HyperLap2D’s libGDX runtime is based on Entity Component System (ECS) architecture using Artemis-odb library. If you are not familiar with this kind of design pattern, please consider to learn more before continue reading.


A SceneLoader is the object that helps you to setup minimal working configuration for HyperLap2D to work. It parse JSON format to build ECS Engine, Entities and all required Components to render your scenes and assets.

//Create a viewport
mViewport = new ExtendViewport(360, 640, 0, 0, mCamera);

//Create a configuration to setup SceneLoader object
SceneConfiguration configuration = new SceneConfiguration();
//Add User defined systems
configuration.addSystem( ... );
//Tells Runtime to automatically attach a component to entites loaded with a specific TAG.
configuration.addTagTransmuter( ... );

//Initialize HyperLap2D's SceneLoader, all assets will be loaded here
mSceneLoader = new SceneLoader(configuration);
//Load the desired scene with custom viewport
mSceneLoader.loadScene("MainScene", mViewport);

If don’t specified, by default SceneLoader create a ScreenViewPort, in many cases this is not what you want, especially if you target Pixel per World Unit other than 1. You can measure the size of your world using guidelines in order to choose the best ViewPort for your scene.

Loading with AssetManager

libGDX’s AssetManager can be used to load HyperLap2D project.

mAssetManager = new AssetManager();
mAssetManager.setLoader(AsyncResourceManager.class, new ResourceManagerLoader(mAssetManager.getFileHandleResolver()));
mAssetManager.load("project.dt", AsyncResourceManager.class);


//When AssetManager finish loading
AsyncResourceManager mAsyncResourceManager = mAssetManager.get("project.dt", AsyncResourceManager.class);

SceneConfiguration configuration = new SceneConfiguration();


mSceneLoader = new SceneLoader(config);

Rendering scene

Runtime Engine already have all necessary Systems for rendering and basic entities manipulation. SceneLoader is a wrapper for all these features. This will make rendering very easy, just update ECS Engine.

public void render() {
    //Clear screen
    Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);

    //Apply ViewPort and update SceneLoader's ECS engine

Retrieve Entities and navigate through composites

Entities are represented as integer, any definition is provided by their Components. To help navigation and manipulation of elements ItemWrapper class can be used, that expose some useful methods. By default all objects are placed in a single root Composite.

ItemWrapper root = new ItemWrapper(mSceneLoader.getRoot(), mSceneLoader.getEngine());

Composites are group of entities. They can be retrieved with ItemWrapper#getChild method using object’s unique identifier.

ItemWrapper foo = root.getChild("foo");

Default Components

There are several default components created for each Entity.

Specific components are created based on entity’s type, for example TextureRegionComponent, LabelComponent, ActionComponent ,LightObjectComponent, ParticleComponent, SpriteAnimationComponent, PhysicsBodyComponent and much more. Full list

Actions System

HyperLap2D uses an Actions System similar to libGDX’s Scene2D actions but for ECS pattern. You can manually create actions in Java, or use Node Graph Editor.

ActionData rotation = Actions.sequence(
                    Actions.moveBy(-30, -30, 5, Interpolation.pow2),
                    Actions.rotateBy(180, 2, Interpolation.exp5))
ActionData repeatData = Actions.forever(rotation);

Actions.addAction(entity, repeatData, mSceneLoader.getEngine());

Load Actions from library

//Simple Actions can be loaded and attached
ActionData actionData = mSceneLoader.loadActionFromLibrary("testAction");
Actions.addAction(entity, actionData, mSceneLoader.getEngine());

//Complex actions can be loaded with params and event listener
ObjectMap<String, Object> params = new ObjectMap<>();
params.put("delay", 2f);

ActionData actionData = mSceneLoader.getActionFactory().loadFromLibrary("test", params, new ActionEventListener() {
    public void onActionEvent(String s) {
        System.out.println("Triggered event: " + s);

Actions.addAction(entity, actionData, mSceneLoader.getEngine());

Create entities at runtime with EntityFactory

EntityFactory helps you create objects ready to be used with this runtime. Before creating the real entity, you have to describe it using a VO class. Common VOs are: SimpleImageVO, Image9patchVO, LabelVO, CompositeItemVO, ParticleEffectVO, LightVO, SpriteAnimationVO, ColorPrimitiveVO, TalosVO, SpineVO. Full list

LabelVO labelVO = new LabelVO();
labelVO.itemIdentifier = "unique_id_name";
labelVO.text = "This is a runtime label";
labelVO.style = "Lato";
labelVO.size = 26;
labelVO.layerName = "Default";
labelVO.x = 10;
labelVO.y = 10;
labelVO.width = 100;
labelVO.height = 100;

int label = mSceneLoader.getEntityFactory().createEntity(root.getEntity(), labelVO);

Load Composite Item from HyperLap2D’s Library

CompositeItemVO sheepData = mSceneLoader.loadVoFromLibrary("sheep");
sheepData.layerName = "Default";
sheepData.x = 100;
sheepData.y = 100;

int sheep = mSceneLoader.getEntityFactory().createEntity(root.getEntity(), sheepData);
mSceneLoader.getEntityFactory().initAllChildren(sheep, sheepData);

Attaching Scripts to Entities

Scripts are very helpful to handle events both from users and from other internal objects. As like any other Artemis object, scripts are automatically injected when created.

public class PlayerScript extends BasicScript {
    //Artemis and HyperLap2D objects will be injected with reflection
    //No needs to initialize them
    protected ComponentMapper<MainItemComponent> mainMapper;
    protected SceneLoader sceneLoader;

    public void init(int item) {

        //Init scripts code here
        //`item` is the entity where the scripts is attached to.

    public void act(float delta) {
        //Called every frame

    public void dispose() {
        //Called when the script is removed from the entity

And a script can be easly attached to any entity with:

ItemWrapper player = root.getChild("player");
PlayerScript playerScript = player.addScript(PlayerScript.class);

Scripts can intercept physics collision events if the entity is a physic object.

public class PhysicsTestScript extends BasicScript implements PhysicsContact {
	//No needs to init these fields because scripts are injected using artemis 
	protected ComponentMapper<PhysicsBodyComponent> physicMapper;
	protected com.artemis.World engine;

	//This has to be initialized!
	private PhysicsBodyComponent physicsBodyComponent;

	public void init (int item) {

		physicsBodyComponent = physicMapper.get(item);

	public void act (float delta) {
		//body can be used here, because act method is called after PhysicsSystem,
		//so all bodies should already be created
		Body body = physicsBodyComponent.body;

	public void beginContact (int contactEntity, Fixture contactFixture, Fixture ownFixture, Contact contact) {


	public void endContact (int contactEntity, Fixture contactFixture, Fixture ownFixture, Contact contact) {


	public void preSolve (int contactEntity, Fixture contactFixture, Fixture ownFixture, Contact contact) {


	public void postSolve (int contactEntity, Fixture contactFixture, Fixture ownFixture, Contact contact) {


	public void dispose () {


Resource Management

Each asset (image, font, etc.) needs to be loaded and unloaded according to game needs. This can be done using IResourceRetriever interface and pass it to SceneConfiguration.

Methods in IResourceRetriever are invoked whenever EntityFactory needs an asset. You are free to implement this part according to needs of your game. You can use the default ResourceManager.